CLC 2025
XXIV Conference on Liquid Crystals
XXIV Conference on Liquid Crystals
21st Optics of Liquid Crystals Conference, OLC 2025.
Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
15th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics
Malaga, Spain
17th European Conference on Liquid Crystals (ECLC 2025)
Prague, Czech Republic
The 19th Integrated Optics - Sensors, Sensing Structures and Methods
Szczyrk, Poland
21st Conference on Optical Fibers and Their Applications,
Białystok, Poland
XIV Sympozjum Techniki Laserowej
Ryn Castle, Poland
Enea Stadion, Poznań, Poland
Warsaw Summer School on Advanced Optical Imaging 2024
Optical imaging techniques are pivotal drivers of societal progress, catalyzing breakthroughs in science, medicine, and technology. The intricate world of microscopic imaging stands as a testament to interdisciplinary collaboration, drawing on the frontiers of physics, statistics, biology, chemistry, mechanical engineering, and software development. With this insight, our school’s primary focus is the study and exploitation of latest advances in the field of optical imaging techniques. Our goal is to facilitate the exchange of multidisciplinary knowledge gathered by experts from diverse research fields confronting similar challenges. The conference program features a dynamic lineup of introductory and advanced lectures delivered by renowned experts in the field.
3-5 September 2024
Warszawa, Poland
CLC2024 is postponed to next year.
XXIV Conference on Liquid Crystals
Chemistry, Physics and Applications
23nd Polish-Slovak-Czech Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics
The Polish-Slovak-Czech Optical Conferences provide a forum for presenting newest research results and exchange of knowledge and ideas within the academic and industrial communities of Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia. The conferences are organized biannually in turn in Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic.
Strbske Pleso, Slovakia
The main goal of the Conference is to exchange knowledge in the scope of practical applications of integrated optics. The aim of the Conference is to present experiences in the field of technology and theoretical analysis of optoelectronic sensors and practical applications of sensing structures and systems as well as new methods in the field of metrology.
The Conference contributes to extend relations between scientific groups and to enable the intensification of common cooperation for the development of practical optoelectronics.
Szczyrk, Poland
TAL 2023 - XX Konferencja „Światłowody i ich zastosowania”
Celem konferencji jest umożliwienie bezpośredniej dyskusji merytorycznej zespołów badawczych zajmujących się:
Zamiarem organizatorów jest rozszerzenie tej dyskusji poprzez zaproszenie do wspólnych obrad zespołów badawczych z sąsiednich krajów, zwłaszcza wschodnich.
Lublin, Poland
CRATER 2023 - the Conference on Recent Advances in Translational Eye Research 2023
The Conference on Recent Advances in Translational Eye Research 2023 is a platform for all researchers, investors, and entrepreneurs whose interests focus on the eye to meet and discuss. The conference will enable discussion between specialists from different fields who are united in their pursuit to understand better the challenges of eye imaging, the process of vision, and formation of eye diseases. During this international and interdisciplinary event, we will discuss frontiers of research on new methods and tools enabling diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases and also ideas on how to facilitate rapid implementation of new eye therapies.
Warszawa, Poland
PKO 2023 - Polska Konferencja Optyczna (Polish Optical Conference) 2023
The Polish Optical Conference aims to integrate the community of Polish opticians. It creates a platform for meeting and exchanging views for a broad group of people who value the development of Polish scientific and engineering thought and didactics in optics. The conference combines a high scientific level with a broad spectrum of topics to represent the whole of Polish optics. Carefully selected presentations from invited lectures create a unique opportunity for young scientists to get acquainted with research topics conducted in other centers in Poland.
Toruń, Poland
The main goal of the Conference is to exchange knowledge in the scope of practical applications of integrated optics. The aim of the Conference is to present experiences in the field of technology and theoretical analysis of optoelectronic sensors and practical applications of sensing structures and systems as well as new methods in the field of metrology.
The Conference contributes to extend relations between scientific groups and to enable the intensification of common cooperation for the development of practical optoelectronics.
Szczyrk, Poland
ELTE 2023 - XIV Konferencja Naukowa Technologia Elektronowa
ELTE is polish conference. [In PL] Konferencja ELTE jest cykliczną konferencją polskiego środowiska elektroników. Do udziału w nadchodzącej edycji konferencji i prezentacji wyników swoich prac gorąco zachęcamy studentów, doktorantów i pracowników naukowych prowadzących badania z zakresu elektroniki, fotoniki i energoelektroniki, w tym dla zastosowań w naukach medycznych i bioinżynierii, oraz w działaniu na rzecz poszanowania energii.
Ryn, Poland
OLC 2023 - the 20th Optics of Liquid Crystals Conference
OLC 2023 is a high-level international conference bringing together scientists and professionals from various research fields to share cutting-edge research, innovative applications, and the latest trends in liquid crystal technologies. The conference will be held in Szczecin, Poland, from September 17th to 22nd, 2023. The scientific program will include tutorials, plenary lectures, poster sessions and invited lectures given by leading scientists from around the world working in the field of soft matter.
The conference will take place in an on-site format only.
Szczecin, Poland
STL 2022 - XIII Sympozjum Techniki Laserowej
SLT is polish conference. [In PL] Głównym celem Sympozjum jest wymiana informacji i upowszechnianie wiedzy naukowo-technicznej z obszarów techniki laserowej i optoelektroniki. Sympozjum organizowane jest od 1984 r. i biorą w nim udział przedstawiciele czołowych ośrodków akademickich, instytutów badawczych oraz szerokie grono wytwórców i użytkowników techniki laserowej.
Karpacz, Poland
Photoluminescence in rare earth doped materials (PRE’22-Poland).
PRE’22 is the ninth event in the series of International Workshops covering a wide range of research topics concerning the properties and applications of rare-earth ions in optoelectronics and photonics.Over the past decade, an increasing number of luminescent materials have been reported, based on the properties of rare earth ions embedded in different matrices (crystalline, amorphous and glass ceramics; oxides, fluorides, chalcogenides, organics, ….) or contained in molecular complexes. These materials have already been been widely employed in light sources and amplifiers, optical displays, fluorescent probes, luminescent labels, frequency converters, detectors, and so on, thus covering fields ranging from telecommunication to sensing, from medical diagnosis to energy. Despite of it, there are still increasing demands for novel functions to further extend their practical applications.
Szczawica, Poland