

Photonics Society of Poland (PSP) - Polskie Stowarzyszenie Fotoniczne was transformed from the SPIE Poland Chapter on October 18, 2007 during the Extraordinary General Meeting of the SPIE Poland Chapter members. All the members unanimously voted (103 out of 199 SPIE PL members) for transformation of the SPIE Poland Chapter to Photonics Society of Poland. The similar unanimous decision was confirmed by the General Members Meeting on February 25, 2008. The whole registration process of the Photonics Society of Poland was finished in March 2008 by official approval of the National Registration Court in Warsaw.

The reaction of SPIE Headquarters was straightforward and enthusiastic:

“I wish you a very successful meeting later this week and assure you of an ongoing close and supportive relationship with the new Photonics Society of Poland. SPIE’s leadership recognizes and greatly appreciates the wonderful work done by the chapter members in Poland and I know there is sadness in a way at losing our model chapter, but we believe that this step is the fullest recognition of what the chapter there has done. We wish all our chapters had developed in a way to take a similar step”. (Eugene Arthurs)

The official opening ceremony of the Photonics Society of Poland took place on May 31, 2008 during First Symposium of PSP.

Photonics Society of Poland (PSP) is presently with its 176 members (as of 29 May 2024) the largest and the most powerful optics/optoelectronics/photonics organization in Poland. It has already started integration and consolidations activities with Polish Technology Platform on Photonics, Committee of Electronics and Telecommunication/Polish Academy of Sciences and with Polish Committee of Optoelectronics/ Society of Polish Electrical Engineers.

The best Science Club in 2024 - Competition

Competition for the best Science Club in the field of Optics and Photonics / student branch of SPIE / OSA / IEEE (PL only)

Konkurs na najlepsze Koło Naukowe w obszarze Optyki i Fotoniki /studencki oddział SPIE/OSA/IEEE

Polskie Stowarzyszenie Fotoniczne ogłasza konkurs na najlepsze Koło Naukowe Optyki i Fotoniki /studencki oddział SPIE/OSA/IEEE w roku 2024.
Wnioski prosimy przesyłać na adres: mwojtkowski@ichf.edu.pl do 01.04.2025 r.

PSP Annual Meeting & Photonics Job Fair & IDL-2024

Friday, 24th May 2024

Warsaw University of Technology, Physics Building,
75 Koszykowa St, Warsaw 00-662

Preliminary Program


Opening of the International Photonics Job Fair 2024



Annual General Meeting of the Photonics Society of Poland (only for PSP members)(I term)



Annual General Meeting of the Photonics Society of Poland (only for PSP members)(II term)


Opening ceremony of the International Photonics Job Fair (for all participants)
PSP Award ceremony (Prof. M.Pluta Award)



Presentation of the book "FOTONIKA-Techniczne zastosowania światła-INFOGRAFIKI" published by PSP in cooperation with Spectaris (Berlin)


Company presentations
Award ceremony for the best Science Club in the field of Optics and Photonics
Award ceremony for the most attractive employer


Networking Lunch (for all participants)



Closing of the International Photonics Job Fair

Exhibitors at the Photonics Job Fair:

Annual Report 2024

Raport roczny z działalności Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Fotonicznego
PSP Annual Report 1.01-31.12.2023

  1. Photonics Letters of Poland (ISSN: 2080-2242) – K. Rutkowska, Editor-in-chief
    • e-journal since Dec. 2015 on WoS: Emerging Sources Citation Index, 40 points (PL)
    • first WoS Impact Factor = 0.6 (2022), H=18
    • CiteScore (2023) = 1.4 (2020 - 1.1, 2021 - 1.2, 2022 - 1.3)
    • 2023: 4 issues, 27 papers (TOTAL 708)
  2. Conferences:
    • IOS 2023 XVII – Conference on Integrated Optics: Sensors, Sensing Structures and Methods, 27.02-3.03.2023, Szczyrk
    • CRATER 2023 - Conference on Recent Advances in Translational Eye Research 2023 – International Symposium on Sensor Science, 7-8 September 2023, Warszawa
    • TAL 2023 - XX Optical Fibers and their Applications, 11-14 September 2023, Lublin
    • OLC 2023 - 20th Optics of Liquid Crystals Conference, 17-22.09.2023, Szczecin (3 student best presentation awards)
  3. Events
    • Global Optics+Photonics Societies Meeting, Jan. 2023, San Francisco
    • 15th Anniversary Jubilee PSP Symposium – 12 May 2023, participation of Bernard Kress, 2023 SPIE President, Urlike Woggon, OPTICA Director, and Claus Roll, OPTICA Director, Europe
    • II Int. Photonics Job Fair (11 companies) – Int. Day of Light – 12 May 2023 (jointly with PPTF & WUT)
    • Students’ competition for the best Science Club in the field of Optics and Photonics / student branch of SPIE/OPTICA/IEEE – 12 May 2023 – winner: Wrocław University of Science and Technology
  4. Members / MOUs
    • 175 PSP members (+4)
    • 22 SPIE members
    • 13 SPIE Fellows, 3 OPTICA Fellows, 3 SPIE/ OPTICA Senior members
    • 6 SPIE/ OPTICA Students Chapters: Warszawa, Wrocław, Lublin, Gliwice, Toruń, Gdańsk
    • Active MOUs:
      • PSP-OPTICA 2023-2025
      • PSP-SPIE 2023-2025
      • OSKorea-PSP 2022-2025

PSC 23 / SCP 23

23nd Polish-Slovak-Czech Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics

The Polish-Slovak-Czech Optical Conferences provide a forum for presenting newest research results and exchange of knowledge and ideas within the academic and industrial communities of Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia. The conferences are organized biannually in turn in Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic.

Strbske Pleso, Slovakia

IOS 2024


The main goal of the Conference is to exchange knowledge in the scope of practical applications of integrated optics. The aim of the Conference is to present experiences in the field of technology and theoretical analysis of optoelectronic sensors and practical applications of sensing structures and systems as well as new methods in the field of metrology.

The best Science Club in 2023 - Competition

Competition for the best Science Club in the field of Optics and Photonics / student branch of SPIE / OSA / IEEE (PL only)

Konkurs na najlepsze Koło Naukowe w obszarze Optyki i Fotoniki /studencki oddział SPIE/OSA/IEEE

Polskie Stowarzyszenie Fotoniczne ogłasza konkurs na najlepsze Koło Naukowe Optyki i Fotoniki /studencki oddział SPIE/OSA/IEEE w roku 2023.
Wnioski prosimy przesyłać na adres: mwojtkowski@ichf.edu.pl do 01.04.2024 r.
Wniosek i formularz znajdują się w załącznikach.

TAL 2023

TAL 2023 - XX Konferencja „Światłowody i ich zastosowania”

Celem konferencji jest umożliwienie bezpośredniej dyskusji merytorycznej zespołów badawczych zajmujących się:

15th Anniversary Jubilee Symposium of the Photonics Society of Poland co-located with International Photonics Job Fair & IDL-2023

Friday, 12th May 2023

Warsaw University of Technology, Physics Building,
75 Koszykowa St, Warsaw 00-662

Final Program


Annual General Meeting of the Photonics Society of Poland (only for PSP members)



Anniversary PSP Symposium (for all participants)


Symposium Opening - Tomasz R. Woliński (PSP President)



Prof. Bernard KRESS (SPIE President, Director, XR Hardware, Google Mountain view, CA USA)

“Volunteering for Scientific Community Services as an effective Career Boost in Optics and Photonics”


Prof. Urlike WOGGON (OPTICA Director, TU Berlin) “Lighting our future - The Impact of Optics and Photonics on a Global Economy”


Dr. Claus ROLL (OPTICA Director, Europe) “Optica in Europe, exploring collaborations for the sake of its community and partners”


Awards Ceremony and Opening of the International Photonics Job Fair (for all participants)
Competition for the best Science Club in the field of Optics and Photonics/student branch of SPIE/OPTICA/IEEE results



Competition for the best International Photonics Job Fair Company presentation


Networking Lunch (for all participants)



Closing of the International Photonics Job Fair

Exhibitors at the Photonics Job Fair:


IOS 2023


The main goal of the Conference is to exchange knowledge in the scope of practical applications of integrated optics. The aim of the Conference is to present experiences in the field of technology and theoretical analysis of optoelectronic sensors and practical applications of sensing structures and systems as well as new methods in the field of metrology.

ELTE 2023

ELTE 2023 - XIV Konferencja Naukowa Technologia Elektronowa

ELTE is polish conference. [In PL] Konferencja ELTE jest cykliczną konferencją polskiego środowiska elektroników. Do udziału w nadchodzącej edycji konferencji i prezentacji wyników swoich prac gorąco zachęcamy studentów, doktorantów i pracowników naukowych prowadzących badania z zakresu elektroniki, fotoniki i energoelektroniki, w tym dla zastosowań w naukach medycznych i bioinżynierii, oraz w działaniu na rzecz poszanowania energii.

Advanced Photonics receives high IF & CS !

Advanced Photonics, published by SPIE and Chinese Laser Press, announces its first-ever Impact Factor and CiteScore rankings, both exceeding 13.

The journal's initial Impact Factor is 13.58, ranking it 5 out of 101 journals in Journal Citation Reports' (JCR) Optics category. The journal also received a CiteScore of 13.8, ranking it 12 out of 205 journals in the Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics category in the Scopus database.


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